Community Outreach Program
Our organization is dedicated to tailoring programs and resources to meet the specific needs of our community. We host a variety of workshops and events that address critical issues like teen suicide, bullying prevention, college and career preparation, entrepreneurship, personal health, financial planning, and conflict resolution. What sets us apart is our mobility, which allows us to eliminate transportation concerns, ensuring that our programs are accessible to everyone who wants to participate.
To continue and expand our impactful programs, we are always seeking sponsors and volunteers. These dedicated individuals and businesses are essential in helping us reach more people and make a positive difference in our community. Whether through financial support, mentoring, or active participation in our initiatives, our sponsors and volunteers are vital partners in achieving our mission of empowerment and education. Together, we can create a brighter future for those we serve.

Assistance Program
We are excited about partnering with businesses and organizations who are willing to help us provide some relief to the growing number of families and individuals, who need food, clothing, housing, and utilities assistance. We offer assistance in finding resources to help applicants meet the requests of their immediate needs. After a careful screening process, all assistance is granted based on the priority of need. For those communities or families that suffer from food insecurities, we coordinate food drives at various times throughout the year, as well as rely on other forms of donation to help meet the vast need.
We provide clothing and toiletry drives throughout the year to be disbursed to recipients free of charge. All monetary and non-monetary donations are tax-deductible. We are always looking to forge new relationships with those who know the joy of being able to help those who are not looking for a handout but a hand-up. If you want to pay it forward then connect with us.
Need assistance? Please reach out to us

Bible Study & Spiritual Empowerment
Every Tuesday at 7 pm Kingdom Study for Life Application.
The topics and the studies are geared toward helping individuals understand the Bible so they can apply God’s principles to their daily lives for inward transformation to achieve a higher quality of life.
Deeper Study Bible Class is every Sunday at 6 pm as a Virtual Zoom class.
This study is geared towards those who want to understand the Bible on a deeper level. We study to understand the covenants, the degrees, and the promises that God ordained for all of creation to live a life of abundance. This class is very interactive and open to all who want to learn more.
Zoom Meeting ID: 828-8281-0674
Passcode: 209552